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IDEASS, in partnership with the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development - ENEA and others environmental institutions, participated to the Call for Proposal of the European Union Thematic Programm: Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, including Energy (ENRTP), to be implemented in Cuba. The EU programme is aimed at supporting developing countries and partner organisations to address environmental and natural resource management issues.

The specific project proposal submitted by IDEASS and its partners to the EU Commission is related to the Programme’s Climate Change priority and will be implemented in the Cuban Province of Granma and in the Municipalities of Havana, Manzanillo, Bayamo, Playa, Marianao, La Lisa and Boyeros. The project activities are focused on providing support to the Cuban Government in the process of updating and improving schemes and plans of territorial management, as well as current strategic public programs aimed at: rational use of water; reducing housing vulnerability on extreme events; local responses to food security questions.

The Cuban partners of the Project are: the Group for the Integral Development of the Capital (GDIC), the Integrated Territorial Information System of the City of Havana (SITICH), the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic Institute J. A. (ISPJAE), The Félix Varela Centre (CFV). IDEASS will make available its international network of innovation and expertise, collaborating with the Cuban institutions at the promotion and dissemination of innovative experiences for territorial development and management.

To know more:

Thematic Programme: Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, including Energy (ENRTP)

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