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Plant Protection Institute, Albania

It is National research Institution depending from the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture and Food. It was founded in 1971.

The Plant Protection Institute is organized in the following Scientific Sectors:
• “Diagnostic and Quarantine”, whose research work is focused on: the inventory and monitoring of pests and diseases in crops; the biology of pests and their harmful effects on plants; the implementation and monitoring of the efficacy of preventive measures against pests and parasites; the diagnostic of plant samples coming from outer centers and labs, providing scientific information and assistance; the conservation in protected environment of base-material free from viruses and diseases; the isolation and collection of pest and disease agents of the crops.
• “Prognosis and Integrated Pest Management (IPM)”, who works in: the IPM systems research and implementation; the study of new alternative protection systems that make use of biological control, biodiversity, etc.; the monitoring of pests and disease utilizing specific plant protection structures; the information and training to farmers on IPM methodologies.
• “Pesticides and Weeds”, which: studies efficacy and phytotoxicity of pesticides to determine their correct formulation and National registration procedure; carries on studies on weed characteristics and biology, making inventories in different areas and determining control procedures; carries on agro-biological tests on pesticide efficacy in collaboration with other PPI sectors.

PPI’s structure is completed an “Experimental base” that provides the Institute with the necessary land surface to implement scientific studies, research programmes, and to carry on productive activity, that represents a second PPI income.

PPI also organizes training and capacity building activity on plant protection, directed to local personnel and specialists coming from other Albanian districts. It closely collaborates with the National “Extension Service”, implementing projects for farmers and diffusing information, through the realization of leaflets, scientific and promotional publications, activity with the media. It also collaborates with many foreign institutions to develop and transfer to Albania updated knowledge and technology on plant protection.

For more information:

Focal Point IDEASS:
Dr. Josef Tedeschini
Tel: + 355 52 64527