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• Colombia
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The mother kangaroo method
Adopting the Mother Kangaroo Method in other counties

The institution that carries out the Mother Kangaroo Programme is the Maternal Infant Institute of Bogotá, in Colombia. The team in charge of the Programme is available to offer technical assistant for the implementation of the Mother Kangaroo Method in other countries interested in replicating the experience. There are other institutions in Bogota such as the Santa Bibiana Clinic where instruction in the methodology is offered.

All personnel who replicated the methodology in Latin American and European countries received training at the Maternal Infant Institute of Bogotá. The established programmes in almost all of the Americas offer training slots for those who want to learn about the Mother Kangaroo Method. In Brazil there are many and varied Programmes that would provide a good place for gaining experience, if physical presence is necessary.

The Mother Kangaroo Method is none other than an essentially natural method, where a mother takes charge of raising her own child. Thus, adopting it is a simple and easy matter, with a minimum of elements. Under the supervision of a paediatrician, nurse or trained general practitioner, the mother is motivated to make contact with her baby quickly, establishing a bond that from then on will be the essence of a process of bringing up the baby, with the elements described, in a simple way and at minimal cost. The humane and scientific attitude of the hospital staff makes it easier to do what every mother knows how to do and wants to do: care for her own child.

The methodology may be started in a Mother Child Hospital or a General Hospital that includes a maternity ward. The hospital may open an outpatient clinic for checking on these babies. Periodic controls may also be set up at a first-level institution.

The process of raising a child has always been natural and within this parameter a Kangaroo Programme can be set up in accordance with the requirements and necessities of each place. What is most needed is the willingness to watch from the medical point of view something that nature has produced throughout the history of human beings: a mother giving life to her child and taking charge of putting it in contact with the world. The health institutions favour and provide the conditions for the development of the health of their inhabitants.