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• Guatemala
• El Salvador
• Honduras

Service Centers for the Entrepreneurial Endeavors of Women
How to establish a CSEM in another country

CSEMs have shown that there is an important demand for business services for women in the territories, and the LEDAs that operate in numerous countries have shown interest in implementing a CSEM into their structure frame. To be included in a LEDA or another territorial organization that communicates with the public and private actors about economic development is an important condition in order that a CSEM may operate effciently. From the legal point of view, CSEMs are special services provided by LEDAs, dedicated to the promotion, development and strengthening of women entrepreneurships.

Promotion method

The first steps to implement a CSEM are the process of awareness and acceptance of the gender and economy issue among local and national actors. Once there is an interest, economic and human resources have been identifed to carry out the frst activities, and the agreements have been signed, the promotion method involves:
• Creating a business plan for the CSEM: Objectives, organization, services and support tools for women, fnance plans for its long-term sustainability.
• Identifying the entrepreneurships present in the territory and the human resources in collaboration with the entrepreneur groups and organizations; designing and carrying out training workshops; organizing women networks to dynamize local organization processes.
• Getting local and national research institutions involved to carry out the economic and social studies of the territory.
• Creating and signing agreements with national institutions that support MIPYMEs and getting other national and international institutions involved.
• Inserting the identifed entrepreneurships into the local economic development plans and policies through alliances with local governments and governmental institutions.

Financial conditions

In order to promote a CSEM, it is necessary to make an initial investment to fnance the following activities:
• Technical assistance for the initial process of promotion and installation.
• Professional training for local actors.
• Capital for the fxed investment: infrastructure, offce equipment, transportation means, service contract.
• Capital to cover CSEMs operational expenses during the initial phase and until it achieves fnancial autonomy.
• Capital for the trust fund (warranty fund or other mechanisms for credit return).