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• Cuba

Ecological forest farms, for their environmental regeneration of river basins
Who to contact

In Cuba, forest farms are set up through the country’s Forest Enterprise System, with technical assistance from the Forestry Research Institute. Both these bodies can offer assistance in implementing forest farms in other countries, and can draw on a large qualified group of experts to help define, develop and evaluate projects. Both operate within the Cuban Agriculture Ministry (MINAGRI), which offers internships in Cuba, with support from Forest Study Centre of the University of Pinar del Río.

Elias Linares Landa
Grupo Empresarial de Agricultura de Montaña (GEAM)
Telephone: (537) 884 5517,
Agricultural Ministry (MINAGRI)
Ave. Rancho Boyeros y Conil,
Municipio Plaza. Ciudad Habana.

Arsenio Renda Sayous
Instituto de Investigaciones Forestal
(Forestry Research Institute) (IIF)
Telephone (537) 208 0544

Jorge Luis Hernández González
Dania Freyre González

Empresa Forestal Integral de Las Tunas
(Las Tunas Forestry Company)
Carretera Central Km. 699.
Telephone 4 8357 and 4 2178.

Francisco Cuza Pedrera
Julio Zayas

Empresa Forestal Integral de Bayamo
(Bayamo Forestry Company)
Province of Granma,

MINAGRI International Relations Department
Telephone (537) 882 0753 and (537) 884 5517