Service Centers for the Entrepreneurial Endeavors of Women
Service Centers for the Entrepreneurial Endeavors of Women (CSEM, by its acronym in Spanish) are territorial entities that provide technical and financial services to foster the undertakings of women in a way that will contribute to the creation of jobs and incomes which are competitive and support the dynamization of the local economies.
CSEMs are introduced as part of the Local Economic Development Agencies (LEDAs), as specific tools for increasing the impact and quality of the attention paid to the demands of the female population. CSEMs which operate in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua act as mediators for anyone who decides to foster economic development actions in the territories, and allow for national and regional programs to be brought into local levels that support micro, small and medium businesses and focus on women.
By Mayela Torres and Mirian del Cid

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•What problems do CSEMs solve?