• Local Economic Development Agencies
• Olive Fruit Fly Control


AlbaniaAlbania joins the European EURAXESS Network opening new opportunities for the researchers of the National Catalogue of Innovations…more

AlbaniaWorking to updating the National Catalogue of Innovations for human development…more

AlbaniaThe Albanian Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation AKTI presents in its website the National Catalogue of Innovations…more

AlbaniaAlbanian Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation AKTI and B.A.ZH NGO are promoting a national service for human development innovation…more

AlbaniaCelebrating the 10th anniversary of the Local Economic Development Agency AULEDA in Vlore Region…more

AlbaniaThe Albanian Catalogue for Human Development is being updated with a new strategic innovation coming from the Vlora Region....more

AlbaniaBuilding a National Conference to present the Catalogue of Innovations for Human Development in collaboration with all the involved actors....more

AlbaniaThe Albanian Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation meets the institutions participating in the National Catalogue of Innovations...more

AlbaniaThe production of the National Catalogue of Innovations is achieving important impact results, in collaboration with all the involved stakeholders...more

AlbaniaThe involvement of the national Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation ARTI in the scientific coordination of the National Catalogue of Innovations in Albania...more

AlbaniaThe UNDP ART Programme and the B.A.ZH NGO established a formal collaboration agreement to start the production of the National Catalogue of Innovations for Human Development in Albania...more

AlbaniaThe results of the formative module at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Tirana University, to develop thermal muds with innovative biological methodologies...more

AlbaniaStarting the first formative module at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Tirana University, to develop thermal muds with innovative biological methodologies...more

AlbaniaThe B.A.ZH NGO, focal point IDEASS in Albania, is starting the production of the National Catalogue of Innovations...more

AlbaniaThe preparatory work of the project Support developing hydrothermal resources in Albania through innovative methodologies, reached its concluding phase...more

AlbaniaThe Plant Protection Department in Agriculture University of Tirana implements the Integrated Pest Management Package to protect strategic crops...more

AlbaniaSome innovations promoted by IDEASS have been included in the Regional Strategic Plans of the Shkodra and Vlore Regions...more

AlbaniaImplementing constructed wetlands methodologies at national level in the framework of the Reform Plan for the Water Supply and Sewerage Sector of Albania...more

AlbaniaThe Association B.A.ZH NGO, the Permanent Thermal Observatory of the University of Padova and the University of Tirana are developing hydrothermal resources in Albania with innovative biological methodologies...more

AlbaniaThe results of the International Conference on European integration, knowledge, innovation and democratic governance of development. The strategic role of decentralized cooperation...more

AlbaniaThe international conference European Integration, knowledge, innovation and democratic governance of development is being organized… more

AlbaniaFrom 10 to 12 May 2010, the mission to Albania of public health authorities of Sri Lanka was held to interchange experience and share information on the implementation of Mother Kangaroo methodology... more

Albania - Sri LankaHealth authorities of Sri Lanka will interchange experience with Albanian health authorities on the Mother Kangaroo Method... more
Health authorities of Sri Lanka will interchange experience with Albanian health authorities on the Mother Kangaroo Method... more

AlbaniaThe Albanian Ministry of Agriculture and Food implements at national level the mass trapping technique, key-tool of the “Integrated Pest Management Package on Olive”... more
The Albanian Ministry of Agriculture and Food implements at national level the mass trapping technique, key-tool of the “Integrated Pest Management Package on Olive”... more

AlbaniaThe Albanian Water Supply and Sewerage Association organized, on November 05-07 2008, its 8th Annual Conference and Exhibition in Tirana, “Waste Water Management in Albania, a Social Environmental and Economic Mandate”…more
The Albanian Water Supply and Sewerage Association organized, on November 05-07 2008, its 8th Annual Conference and Exhibition in Tirana, “Waste Water Management in Albania, a Social Environmental and Economic Mandate”…more

AlbaniaIn the Reform Plan document, it is provided the Implementation Time Schedule of wastewater treatment plants in Albania 2005-2010 including the “Constructed Wetland” System, realized in the Narta Municipality... more
In the Reform Plan document, it is provided the Implementation Time Schedule of wastewater treatment plants in Albania 2005-2010 including the “Constructed Wetland” System, realized in the Narta Municipality... more

AlbaniaThe Constructed Wetlands project realized in the village of Narta (Vlore Region), will be replicated in the area surrounding the lake of Prespa, in collaboration with the CRIC NGO... more
The Constructed Wetlands project realized in the village of Narta (Vlore Region), will be replicated in the area surrounding the lake of Prespa, in collaboration with the CRIC NGO... more

AlbaniaThe Government of Albania, as the Guest of Honor of the fifth edition of the Mediterranean Parks Fair, presented the national policies for management and promotion of the environment and cultural heritage... more
The Government of Albania, as the Guest of Honor of the fifth edition of the Mediterranean Parks Fair, presented the national policies for management and promotion of the environment and cultural heritage... more

AlbaniaThe ARPAT mission (12/18 December 2007) was carried out in the framework of the IDEASS activities for the promotion of “Constructed Wetlands” in Albania, in collaboration with GEF/UNDP (Global Environmental Fund), AULEDA (Local Economic Development Agency), the Albanian Ministry of Environment as well as Local Authorities of Narta village.
The ARPAT expert realized the mission in order to support the project final phase management. Therefore, he met with regional and local authorities, induced training activities with students of Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Tirana University. He also gave a direct technical assistance to the engineer and other personnel from the specialized enterprise which is carrying out the works, giving continuity to the innovation know-how transfer in its critical and final phase, counting on UNDP ART GOLD/IDEASS coordination, through which the activities carried on were supervised and local personnel involved in the Project was coordinated... more
The ARPAT mission (12/18 December 2007) was carried out in the framework of the IDEASS activities for the promotion of “Constructed Wetlands” in Albania, in collaboration with GEF/UNDP (Global Environmental Fund), AULEDA (Local Economic Development Agency), the Albanian Ministry of Environment as well as Local Authorities of Narta village.
The ARPAT expert realized the mission in order to support the project final phase management. Therefore, he met with regional and local authorities, induced training activities with students of Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Tirana University. He also gave a direct technical assistance to the engineer and other personnel from the specialized enterprise which is carrying out the works, giving continuity to the innovation know-how transfer in its critical and final phase, counting on UNDP ART GOLD/IDEASS coordination, through which the activities carried on were supervised and local personnel involved in the Project was coordinated... more

Albania The second mission to Albania of the President of Compagnia dei Parchi Mr. Roberto Di Vincenzo and his staff and the Representative of Federparchi, main Italian Association of Natural Parks, Mrs. Stefania Petrosillo was carried out from 24th to 28th September 2007 in the framework of the IDEASS activities for the transfer of the “Compagnia dei Parchi” innovation in the Country.
The main objective of the mission was to realize a study field trip in the Northern area of the Country, in the Region of Shkoder in order to conduct a feasibility survey, to receive further information about tourism in Thethi and Kelmendi area, and to identify the possibility to implement a project for developing and managing the natural protected areas with the CdP’s methodologies... more
The second mission to Albania of the President of Compagnia dei Parchi Mr. Roberto Di Vincenzo and his staff and the Representative of Federparchi, main Italian Association of Natural Parks, Mrs. Stefania Petrosillo was carried out from 24th to 28th September 2007 in the framework of the IDEASS activities for the transfer of the “Compagnia dei Parchi” innovation in the Country.
The main objective of the mission was to realize a study field trip in the Northern area of the Country, in the Region of Shkoder in order to conduct a feasibility survey, to receive further information about tourism in Thethi and Kelmendi area, and to identify the possibility to implement a project for developing and managing the natural protected areas with the CdP’s methodologies... more

AlbaniaThe primary school of the Albanian village of Narta, where the Constructed Wetland system will be implemented in the framework of IDEASS and the ART GOLD Programme, will constitute the first Eco-logical School in the Country. The UNDP GEF Small Grants Program officialised its economical participation to the project, for an amount of 47,564 US Dollars. Contacts are ongoing with the Italian Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, which is interested in joining the project’s donors in the framework of the ART GOLD Programme.
A new mission of the ARPAT experts, Beatrice Pucci and Marco Gardenti, took place from 18 to 25 February 2007, in order to define the executive project. In this contest, according with the school director, the Narta’s authorities and the donors, it was decided that the system implementation will be accompanied by other ecological initiatives, in order to create a sustainable development model for other institutions and a didactical centre for environmental education... more
The primary school of the Albanian village of Narta, where the Constructed Wetland system will be implemented in the framework of IDEASS and the ART GOLD Programme, will constitute the first Eco-logical School in the Country. The UNDP GEF Small Grants Program officialised its economical participation to the project, for an amount of 47,564 US Dollars. Contacts are ongoing with the Italian Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, which is interested in joining the project’s donors in the framework of the ART GOLD Programme.
A new mission of the ARPAT experts, Beatrice Pucci and Marco Gardenti, took place from 18 to 25 February 2007, in order to define the executive project. In this contest, according with the school director, the Narta’s authorities and the donors, it was decided that the system implementation will be accompanied by other ecological initiatives, in order to create a sustainable development model for other institutions and a didactical centre for environmental education... more

AlbaniaOn February 2007, the implementation of the Mother Kangaroo Method in Albania entered a new phase. The International Health Co-operation Unit of the A.Meyer Children University Hospital of Florence, one of the most relevant Italian Medical Institution specialized in Mother and Child care, decided to provide the IDEASS Initiative with assistance in formulate a project for the implementation of the Method and the Mother and Child Care programs in the Albanian Region of Shkoder, following the priorities of the Albanian Ministry of Health. The project will be realized in the framework of the cooperation activities between the Tuscany Region, the UNDP ART GOLD Albania Program and the ART IDEASS Program.
A mission to Albania of Dr.Maria José Caldés Pinilla, Responsible of Meyer’s International Health Co-operation Unit, and Dr.Maria Letizia Caccamo, Pediatrician Neonatologist, was held from 11th to 14th February, 2007. The mission aimed at conducting a feasibility survey for the formulation of a project to be implemented in the Region of Shkoder. The project will be articulated in two components: training activities in the Shkoder Hospital on the Mother Kangaroo Method and on the correct use of medical technology; training activities on the territory with the medical and paramedical personnel of the territorial Health Centers of the Skhoder District, which will assist the mothers before and during the delivery and address them to the Method. The “follow up” of the mothers and children after the delivery will be provided by the Centers themselves.
The technical assistance to the project will be provided by the Meyer Hospital and the Maternity Hospital of Tirana. The World Health Organization, whose Representative in Albania, Dr. Dévora Kestel, met the Meyer-IDEASS delegation, gave full support to the project. The Shkoder Mother Kangaroo executive project will be defined in details in the next period and will be funded by the Tuscany Region. The ART GOLD Albania Programme will provide logistic and organizational assistance to the project activities.
A visit to Albania of the Director of the International Cooperation of the Tuscany Region, Massimo Toschi, is foreseen on the next period, in order to meet the Albanian Health Autorities and start to the project in Shkoder.
On February 2007, the implementation of the Mother Kangaroo Method in Albania entered a new phase. The International Health Co-operation Unit of the A.Meyer Children University Hospital of Florence, one of the most relevant Italian Medical Institution specialized in Mother and Child care, decided to provide the IDEASS Initiative with assistance in formulate a project for the implementation of the Method and the Mother and Child Care programs in the Albanian Region of Shkoder, following the priorities of the Albanian Ministry of Health. The project will be realized in the framework of the cooperation activities between the Tuscany Region, the UNDP ART GOLD Albania Program and the ART IDEASS Program.
A mission to Albania of Dr.Maria José Caldés Pinilla, Responsible of Meyer’s International Health Co-operation Unit, and Dr.Maria Letizia Caccamo, Pediatrician Neonatologist, was held from 11th to 14th February, 2007. The mission aimed at conducting a feasibility survey for the formulation of a project to be implemented in the Region of Shkoder. The project will be articulated in two components: training activities in the Shkoder Hospital on the Mother Kangaroo Method and on the correct use of medical technology; training activities on the territory with the medical and paramedical personnel of the territorial Health Centers of the Skhoder District, which will assist the mothers before and during the delivery and address them to the Method. The “follow up” of the mothers and children after the delivery will be provided by the Centers themselves.
The technical assistance to the project will be provided by the Meyer Hospital and the Maternity Hospital of Tirana. The World Health Organization, whose Representative in Albania, Dr. Dévora Kestel, met the Meyer-IDEASS delegation, gave full support to the project. The Shkoder Mother Kangaroo executive project will be defined in details in the next period and will be funded by the Tuscany Region. The ART GOLD Albania Programme will provide logistic and organizational assistance to the project activities.
A visit to Albania of the Director of the International Cooperation of the Tuscany Region, Massimo Toschi, is foreseen on the next period, in order to meet the Albanian Health Autorities and start to the project in Shkoder.

AlbaniaThe mission of Compagnia dei Parchi in Albania, carried out from 11 to 14 December 2006 within the framework of the ART GOLD Programme, produced important results, generating the interest of the Albanian Ministry of the Environment to implement a successful strategy for Albanian Park management and development and for sustainable tourism initiatives.
During the mission, Roberto Di Vincenzo and Matteo Fusilli, Presidents of Compagnia dei Parchi and Federparchi, the main Italian associations of Natural Parks, met the Albanian Environmental and Tourism Authorities in order to implement a project for developing and managing the natural protected areas in the Country with the CdP’s methodologies. The Minister of Environment, Forest and Water Administration, Lufter Xhuveli and the Deputy Minister, Taulant Bino expressed the will to realize a project for sustainable tourism in a wide area of North Albania that possesses the characteristics to become an international “adventure tourism” and naturalistic attraction pole. The Deputy-Minister of Tourism and Culture, Suzana Turku and her staff offered complete support to the mission and proposed the realization of a common work table in order to explore the ways to activate in Albania an innovative tourism product fostering economic local development. Some areas of the Country have been mentioned, and their suitability will be investigated on the basis of the documentation that will be collected and transmitted to the IDEASS staff in the next weeks.
PDF Document:
http://www.ideassonline.org/pdf/br_30_64.pdf[/p]Text in English[/u][/b][/url]
The mission of Compagnia dei Parchi in Albania, carried out from 11 to 14 December 2006 within the framework of the ART GOLD Programme, produced important results, generating the interest of the Albanian Ministry of the Environment to implement a successful strategy for Albanian Park management and development and for sustainable tourism initiatives.
During the mission, Roberto Di Vincenzo and Matteo Fusilli, Presidents of Compagnia dei Parchi and Federparchi, the main Italian associations of Natural Parks, met the Albanian Environmental and Tourism Authorities in order to implement a project for developing and managing the natural protected areas in the Country with the CdP’s methodologies. The Minister of Environment, Forest and Water Administration, Lufter Xhuveli and the Deputy Minister, Taulant Bino expressed the will to realize a project for sustainable tourism in a wide area of North Albania that possesses the characteristics to become an international “adventure tourism” and naturalistic attraction pole. The Deputy-Minister of Tourism and Culture, Suzana Turku and her staff offered complete support to the mission and proposed the realization of a common work table in order to explore the ways to activate in Albania an innovative tourism product fostering economic local development. Some areas of the Country have been mentioned, and their suitability will be investigated on the basis of the documentation that will be collected and transmitted to the IDEASS staff in the next weeks.
PDF Document:
http://www.ideassonline.org/pdf/br_30_64.pdf[/p]Text in English[/u][/b][/url]

AlbaniaThe Albanian Office of UNDP – GEF/SGP (Global Environment Facility – Small Grants Programme) will provide financial support for implementing a natural depuration system at a school in the Narta Village. The Constructed Wetlands pilot-project was designed in collaboration with the UNDP MedWetCoast Programme (Conservation of Wetland and Coastal Ecosystem in Mediterranean Region) that operates to improve the environmental conditions of the Narta Lagoon area, and with the Albanian Ministry of Environment which will provide assistance for the educational and environmental awareness activities. Technical assistance for the project implementation will be provided by the ARPAT (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Tuscany).
The project will be carried out in collaboration with national authorities, the administrations of the municipalities that surround the Narta Lagoon and the Vlorë Local Economic Development Agency. The project will be accompanied by initiatives aiming at the improvement of the environmental condition of the area. The construction of the wetlands system will start next autumn after the conclusion of the fundraising activity, at the moment in process.
For more information about “Constructed Wetlands” please visit:
www.ideassonline.org/pic/doc/report arpat in albania.pdf
The Albanian Office of UNDP – GEF/SGP (Global Environment Facility – Small Grants Programme) will provide financial support for implementing a natural depuration system at a school in the Narta Village. The Constructed Wetlands pilot-project was designed in collaboration with the UNDP MedWetCoast Programme (Conservation of Wetland and Coastal Ecosystem in Mediterranean Region) that operates to improve the environmental conditions of the Narta Lagoon area, and with the Albanian Ministry of Environment which will provide assistance for the educational and environmental awareness activities. Technical assistance for the project implementation will be provided by the ARPAT (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Tuscany).
The project will be carried out in collaboration with national authorities, the administrations of the municipalities that surround the Narta Lagoon and the Vlorë Local Economic Development Agency. The project will be accompanied by initiatives aiming at the improvement of the environmental condition of the area. The construction of the wetlands system will start next autumn after the conclusion of the fundraising activity, at the moment in process.
For more information about “Constructed Wetlands” please visit:
www.ideassonline.org/pic/doc/report arpat in albania.pdf

AlbaniaThe mission to Albania of the ARPAT experts was carried out from 12th to 19th February 2006, in collaboration with the GEF/UNDP MedWetCoast Project (Conservation of Wetland and Coastal Ecosystem in Mediterranean Region). During the mission, the experts provided technical assistance to the Albanian actors to identify the characteristics of a water natural purification pilot system in the Vlore region. The project will be implemented in collaboration with national authorities, the administrations of the municipalities that surround the Narta Lagoon and with the Vlore Local Economy Development Agency; besides, it will be accompanied by initiative aimed at the improvement of environmental condition of the area.
Mission report
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Text in English
The mission to Albania of the ARPAT experts was carried out from 12th to 19th February 2006, in collaboration with the GEF/UNDP MedWetCoast Project (Conservation of Wetland and Coastal Ecosystem in Mediterranean Region). During the mission, the experts provided technical assistance to the Albanian actors to identify the characteristics of a water natural purification pilot system in the Vlore region. The project will be implemented in collaboration with national authorities, the administrations of the municipalities that surround the Narta Lagoon and with the Vlore Local Economy Development Agency; besides, it will be accompanied by initiative aimed at the improvement of environmental condition of the area.
Mission reportPDF Document
Text in English

AlbaniaThe mission to Albania of two experts from ARPAT (Regional Agency for the Environmental Protection of Tuscany) will be carried out from 12th to 19th February 2006, in order to provide the competent Albanian actors with technical assistance and to identify, design and realize a pilot system for the natural depuration of waters in the Narta Lagoon (Vlore Region). The mission will be realized in collaboration with the UNDP/GEF “MedWetCoast” project (Conservation of Wetland and Coastal Ecosystem in the Mediterranean Region), that has long been carrying out studies and activities to improve the environment of the Narta Lagoon. During the mission, the ARPAT experts will meet, among others, high representatives of the Albanian Ministries of the Environment and the Agriculture, the Vlora Region President, the representatives of the Municipalities surrounding the Lagoon and the representatives of the civil society. The Regional Economical Development Agency AULEDA will participate in the design and management of the Constructed Wetland pilot-project and has manifested a strong interest in implementing projects for local development, like fishery and sustainable tourism. During the mission a scientific committee for the project supervision will be established, with the collaboration of scientific institutions and technical local counterparts. A National meeting in Tirana and a press-conference for the presentation of the Constructed Wetland innovation and its implementation in Albania will end the mission works.
Brochure "Constructed Wetlands"
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Text in English
The mission to Albania of two experts from ARPAT (Regional Agency for the Environmental Protection of Tuscany) will be carried out from 12th to 19th February 2006, in order to provide the competent Albanian actors with technical assistance and to identify, design and realize a pilot system for the natural depuration of waters in the Narta Lagoon (Vlore Region). The mission will be realized in collaboration with the UNDP/GEF “MedWetCoast” project (Conservation of Wetland and Coastal Ecosystem in the Mediterranean Region), that has long been carrying out studies and activities to improve the environment of the Narta Lagoon. During the mission, the ARPAT experts will meet, among others, high representatives of the Albanian Ministries of the Environment and the Agriculture, the Vlora Region President, the representatives of the Municipalities surrounding the Lagoon and the representatives of the civil society. The Regional Economical Development Agency AULEDA will participate in the design and management of the Constructed Wetland pilot-project and has manifested a strong interest in implementing projects for local development, like fishery and sustainable tourism. During the mission a scientific committee for the project supervision will be established, with the collaboration of scientific institutions and technical local counterparts. A National meeting in Tirana and a press-conference for the presentation of the Constructed Wetland innovation and its implementation in Albania will end the mission works.
Brochure "Constructed Wetlands"PDF Document
Text in English

AlbaniaOn 12th December 2005, a letter of interest was sent to the IDEASS International Secretariat by the Albanian Municipalities surrounding the Narta Lagoon – north-west of the city of Vlore (Vlore Region) – to express their interest in the implementation of the Constructed Wetlands method aimed at improving the environmental condition of the Lagoon.
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Letter of Interest
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Text in Albanian
Text in English
On 12th December 2005, a letter of interest was sent to the IDEASS International Secretariat by the Albanian Municipalities surrounding the Narta Lagoon – north-west of the city of Vlore (Vlore Region) – to express their interest in the implementation of the Constructed Wetlands method aimed at improving the environmental condition of the Lagoon.
ReportPDF Document
Text in English
Letter of Interest
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Text in Albanian
Text in English

AlbaniaThe ‘Mother Kangaroo’ method is now being implemented at the Durrës Obstetric Hospital, with the collaboration of the Albanian Ministry of Health, the WHO Albania, the UNDP Country Office and the IFAD/UNOPS PASARP Programme. The project received technical assistance from the author of the innovation Professor Hector Martinez and was supported by the Burlo Garofolo Medical Institute of Trieste (Italy). The Method is implemented in the Durrës Hospital in collaboration with the territorial health units, which orient potential ”kangaroo mothers” to the Hospital and guarantee the follow-up of “Kangaroo babies” once they go home. All “Kangaroo mothers” involved in the project have welcomed the method enthusiastically. For the first time, babies are placed close to their mothers soon after their birth, thus increasing breastfeeding and improving the mother-baby relationship. The project intends to consolidate the Method in Durrës and to extend it to other Albanian regions. In accordance with the Albanian Ministry of Health, the Durrës Hospital will act as the National Centre for the Mother Kangaroo Method by carrying out promotional and training activities and by establishing new “Mother Kangaroo Units” in other Albanian Hospitals and medical centres. Dr. Eduart Tushe, director of the division of Neonatology at the Maternity Hospital of Tirana, will act as national supervisor of the Mother Kangaroo Method ensuring its progressive adoption at a national level, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. The ART WIN international laboratory (Welfare INnovations) of the Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia, set up within the framework of the ART Partnership agreements with UNESCO, UNDP, OMS-WMC and UNOPS, will support the dissemination of the Mother Kangaroo method within the health care system of the Mediterranean countries.
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The ‘Mother Kangaroo’ method is now being implemented at the Durrës Obstetric Hospital, with the collaboration of the Albanian Ministry of Health, the WHO Albania, the UNDP Country Office and the IFAD/UNOPS PASARP Programme. The project received technical assistance from the author of the innovation Professor Hector Martinez and was supported by the Burlo Garofolo Medical Institute of Trieste (Italy). The Method is implemented in the Durrës Hospital in collaboration with the territorial health units, which orient potential ”kangaroo mothers” to the Hospital and guarantee the follow-up of “Kangaroo babies” once they go home. All “Kangaroo mothers” involved in the project have welcomed the method enthusiastically. For the first time, babies are placed close to their mothers soon after their birth, thus increasing breastfeeding and improving the mother-baby relationship. The project intends to consolidate the Method in Durrës and to extend it to other Albanian regions. In accordance with the Albanian Ministry of Health, the Durrës Hospital will act as the National Centre for the Mother Kangaroo Method by carrying out promotional and training activities and by establishing new “Mother Kangaroo Units” in other Albanian Hospitals and medical centres. Dr. Eduart Tushe, director of the division of Neonatology at the Maternity Hospital of Tirana, will act as national supervisor of the Mother Kangaroo Method ensuring its progressive adoption at a national level, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. The ART WIN international laboratory (Welfare INnovations) of the Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia, set up within the framework of the ART Partnership agreements with UNESCO, UNDP, OMS-WMC and UNOPS, will support the dissemination of the Mother Kangaroo method within the health care system of the Mediterranean countries.
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AlbaniaThe mission to Albania of the anthropologist Maria Pia Macchi was held from 20th to 24th June 2005. The objective of the mission was to identify the characteristics of an experimental project of Neem cultivation in Albania, as well as to bring technical assistance to the Albanian actors interested in economic development projects related to the cultivation of Neem plants and to the Neem fruits use and processing.
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AlbaniaFrom 2nd to 6th May, a delegation of the Duress Obstetric Hospital carried out a scientific mission to Italy at the “Burlo Garofolo” Medical Institute of Trieste, pioneer of the Mother Kangaroo Method in Europe, within the framework of the activities for the implementation of the method in Albania.
[color:#006600][b]PDF Document[/b][/color]
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From 2nd to 6th May, a delegation of the Duress Obstetric Hospital carried out a scientific mission to Italy at the “Burlo Garofolo” Medical Institute of Trieste, pioneer of the Mother Kangaroo Method in Europe, within the framework of the activities for the implementation of the method in Albania.
[color:#006600][b]PDF Document[/b][/color]
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AlbaniaThe “Raincoat package” implementation is arousing great interest in Albania, among national scientific research centres and governmental institutions. Local and national authorities estimate that the application in crop protection of Neem products may offer an important option for the improvement of harvests that is compatible with the agreed principles of development policy. To define and organize the project, an IDEASS mission to Albania of Neem expert Dr.M.P.Macchi of COE has been realized from 19 to 25 of June 2005.
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Albania[p:left]The mission on the Albanian newspapers-1
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The mission on the Albanian newspapers-2
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The mission on the Albanian newspapers-3
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[p:left]The mission on the Albanian newspapers-1
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The mission on the Albanian newspapers-3
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Albania[p:justify]The Ministry of Agriculture, in collaboration with the Academy of Sciences and the IDEASS/Albania Office, has organized the CENSA mission for the promotion of Stabilak. The results of the mission are presented in the mission's Report. Many Albanian newspapers have dedicated many articles to this event.
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AlbaniaThe promotion of mother Kangaroo Method in Albania Information on the visit of the Dr. Hector Martinez in Albania, between 28 September - 4 October 2003, within IFAD/UNOPS PASARP - Programme of Activities in Support of Albanian Regions and Prefectures.
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The promotion of mother Kangaroo Method in Albania Information on the visit of the Dr. Hector Martinez in Albania, between 28 September - 4 October 2003, within IFAD/UNOPS PASARP - Programme of Activities in Support of Albanian Regions and Prefectures.
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