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• Italy

Soil Bioengeneering
To learn more

Further information on the different aspects of bioengineering can be found in the web pages of the following qualified institutions.

A.I.P.I.N. (Italian association for bioengineering)

CIRF (Italian Centre for the regeneration of rivers)

Comunità Montana del Casentino (Tuscany region)

Comunità Montana Alta Versilia (Tuscany region)

International Erosion Control Association, IECA

International Erosion Control Systems, IECS

Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction- Vienna, Austria

Cooperativa TUA (Terra Uomini e Ambiente)


• Florineth F. Rauch H.P., Staffler H.P., "Stabilization of landslides with bio-engineering measures in South Tyrol/Italy and Thankot/Nepal". In: Interpraevent 2002 in the Pacific Rim (Ed.): Interpraevent 2002 in the Pacific Rim, 2002, Matsumoto/Japan; Congress publication, Volume 2, p. 827-837, Matsumoto/Japan, 2002.
• Ghimire S.K.,. Karki K.K "Mitigation of soil erosion hazards through bioengineering: a case study of Mid-Himalaya, Nepal", International Conference Eco-engineering: "The use of vegetation to improve slope stability", Thessaloniki, 2004
• Gray D.H., Sotir R.B 'Biotechnical and Soil Bioengineering - Slope Stabilization - A Practical guide for erosion control' - A Wiley-Interscience Publication. John Wiley & Sons, INC, 1996.
• Petrone A. "Trasferibilità di tecniche di ingegneria naturalistica alla realtà guatemalteca". Degree thesis (Florence, 2001)
• Petrone A., F. Preti, 2003, "I.N.: sostenibile e appropriata per i cosiddetti PVS?", self printed manuscript presented at Sancti Spiritus (Cuba)
• Petrone A., F. Preti, 2005, "Ingeniería Naturalística en Centroamérica", Manuali Tecnici per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, Istituto Agronomico per l'Oltremare, Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2005, ISBN 88-89507-02-0
• Petrone A., F. Preti, 2005, "L'I.N. in Centroamerica: l'esperienza realizzata in Nicaragua", presented at Le Giornate dell'Ingegneria Naturalistica, Bologna 23-24 Giugno 2005.
• Tuscany Region 'Principi e linee guida per l'Ingegneria Naturalistica- Part 1 & 2 Processi territoriali e criteri metodologici'- Series: "Fiumi e Territorio", Tuscany region, 2000-2001.
• H.P. Rauch, S. Belihart, D. Ertl, Lammeraner, S. Wibmer, Implementation and monitoring of bioengineering measures at a landslide in the Middle Mountains of Nepal", International Conference Eco-engineering: "The use of vegetation to improve slope stability", Thessaloniki, 2004
• Schiechtl H.M. 'Vegetative and soil treatment measures. FAO watershed management field manual' - FAO Conservation Guide 13/1, 1985.
• Sutili F.J., Durlo M.A., Bressan D.A "Biotechnical capability of 'sarandi-branco' (Phyllanthus sellowianus müll. arg.) and 'vime' (Salix viminalis l.) for revegetation water courses edges", Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, Brazil. v. 14, no. 1, pgs. 13-20, 2004.